Our next meeting on Tuesday December 8, 7 pm via Zoom is a relaxed Holiday Social for SGG members -- plus anyone who just wants to check out the Guild and see what we're like! We'll be gathering to socialize and chat about our sewing...maybe even have a couple of party games...
Everyone is welcome: if you have a friend who'd like to visit us, all are welcome to attend. If you're not a paid up member yet, come to this meeting to see how we do things, and decide if $15 for 6 more meetings in the first half of 2021 is a good deal!
Don't forget to bring any Sew & Tell to share -- and relax with your fave beverage & snack while you're at it -- recipes welcome
To be sure to get the Zoom link when it's ready, join our Facebook page -- paid up members will also get an email with the link to remind them.
Hope to see you all there!