Thursday, March 28, 2024

April 2024 Meeting: Maria Theoharous, or Velosews, live from Australia!


We've had to reschedule our original speaker for April due to unforeseen circumstances. However, we are thrilled to announce that on April 9 we will be hosting Maria Theoharous live on Zoom all the way from Sydney, Australia!
Maria is the host of the podcast Sew Organised Style, a SewOver50 editor on IG and a brand ambassador for Minerva Fabrics, among many other things. We'll be having a conversation with her about all these things and more, via Zoom and the big screen, at an in-person meeting at River Gardens. Her visit will be followed by our regular Sew & Tell etc.
You might also know Maria from PatternReview, IG or her blog, where she goes by Velosews. Collect any questions you'd like to ask and join us:

Tuesday April 9, 7 pm.
River Gardens Residence, Community Room
10 Romeo St N, Stratford

All welcome -- drop ins $5 at the door

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

March meeting: Craft Swap!

March 12 is our next in-person meeting, and it is our Annual Fabric Swap, by popular demand!

Please bring any clean fabric, patterns or notions in good repair to swap with others. If you can indicate the type of fabric and size on your pieces, that would be helpful too! Visitors are welcome ($5 at the door as always) but they should be visitors who are also bringing swap items.

We will set out all the items, have our short meeting and then everyone will have access to the swap at the same time -- please no grazing beforehand! Start thinking about what you need to clear out from your craft stash, to make room for some new-to-you items. And as always, whatever isn't claimed goes home with the one who brought em!