Thursday, April 22, 2021

May 2021: Erica Schmitz and My Body Model


On May 11, 7 pm, join the SGG for a conversation with Erica Schmitz, founder of

We'll learn about how and why Erica started this website, why having a croquis that looks like you is so empowering, and experience the delight of playing paper dolls for grownups as Erica leads us through a sketching exercise. Can't draw? Don't worry, it's magical how this process makes drawing so easy, and wardrobe planning as much fun as the making part of it! Bring paper, pencil or pen, and some wardrobe ideas and get ready for fun.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

April Challenge: CreativeBug!

Our challenge, set in April for a May reveal, is to explore the many classes in CreativeBug, via your local library. Most libraries in our region have access to this database, and you can access it with your library card! 

Pick a project -- whether sewing or otherwise -- and make it to share with other members at our next meeting. Have fun exploring! 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

April 2021: Maintaining your Machine, with Bernie Tobisch

Join us Tuesday, April 13 at 7 pm on Zoom as we welcome Bernie Tobisch. This author & frequent podcast guest has been repairing machines for over 30 years, and will be sharing troubleshooting & maintenance tips with us.

He recommends attending with your sewing machine handy so that you can follow along & ask any questions particular to your machine. Hope to see you all there.

(Ps - Don't forget your Vacation Ready project! 🙂🌴 )

If you are not a member and wish to join us for this meeting you can etransfer the $5 drop-in fee to & send another email with your name so we can send you the link 🙂