Our next season is coming fast -- get your memberships now! If you have ever been a member in the past, you can take advantage of our returning member rates. You can send an etransfer to membershipsgg@gmail.com along with a note with your name so we know who's sending it! You can also download and fill out our membership form and send that along to the same email, or print it and bring it to the first meeting.
Please note that we have had to increase our membership rates slightly this year to accommodate rising rental and speaker costs. We hope that you will enjoy what we have to offer with these upgrades.
Our other big change is that we have moved our venue to River Gardens Retirement Residence, the Community Room -- 10 Romeo St, Stratford. This has a large parking lot at the corner of Romeo & Delamere, with a few spots in front of the building itself for anyone with mobility issues. The room is accessible, with an elevator for those who need it.
We will be continuing to meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, from 7-9 pm, with a few special events planned. More information will be coming soon!
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